How life insurers can benefit from the IoT

The IoT is good news for life insurers. By Martin Stewart : 24th of December 2020 The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of connected smart devices, from fitness watches to smart kettles, that can gather and share data on a massive scale – and it’s growing fast. There were 26.6 billion active IoT […]

How to get started with building a digital ecosystem

What to know about building your first digital ecosystem Digital ecosystems offer new opportunities for insurers to evolve and grow revenue. Here’s what you need to know to get started. By Martin Stewart : 24th of December 2020 Traditionally, insurers have taken a passive role in customers’ lives, relevant only in times of crisis. Because […]

Riding the insurance big data wave

Riding the data wave! By Martin Stewart : 24th of December 2020 Insurance has always depended on data. In 1693, scientist Edmond Halley (of the famous comet) produced a Royal Society paper on the mortality rates in Breslau, Poland. This was only made possible due to data because the Breslau authorities recorded the ages of […]

How tech can help restore customer trust in insurers

The financial services industry has taken a big hit when it comes to consumer trust. By Martin Stewart : 24th of December 2020 In the aftermath of the Banking Royal Commission, a third of Australians say they’ve lost trust in their banks, and that has serious flow-on repercussions for related companies like insurers. Scandals within […]

Don’t let COVID-19 mask the real insurance disrupters

Investing in digital transformation during the COVID-19 downturn is critical to strengthen your market position in the future. By Martin Stewart : 24th of December 2020 There’s no denying that the onset of COVID-19 has brought about widespread and significant changes to the way we do business, and many insurers are now facing difficulties in […]

A roadmap for transformation in insurance

A roadmap to success By Martin Stewart : 24th of December 2020 “It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” Charles Darwin It’s fair to say that change is hard, and for insurers looking to transform in the face of disruptive competitors, it’s even […]

Insurance industry trends

7 insurance industry trends Ideas on tackling the challenges of transformation By Martin Stewart : 20th of December 2020 Insurance companies have found it arguably harder than other industries to transform, faced as they are with the challenges of established processes, stringent compliance and legacy software. But a revolution is happening which can no longer be ignored. […]

Starting an insurance system replacement project from scratch is easier than you think

Starting an insurance system replacement project Starting an insurance system replacement project from scratch is easier than you think. Here are some of our top tips. By Martin Stewart : 14th of December 2020 To maintain an old legacy system, or to start again? While the benefits of new technology are manifold, many insurance executives […]

Automating the Agent Experience

How technology can help Agents By Martin Stewart : 24th of November 2020 Insurance is going through a digital revolution, and agents are on the frontline of the demand for change. Easier access to self-service insurance and growing customer expectations in a tech-led world are just some examples of the challenges driving the need for […]

Why commercial insurance companies should make friends with insurtech

Commercial insurers are operating in a fast-changing landscape. As your customer base undergoes generational change, they want to interact with you in different ways. Meeting those expectations means being digital and agile, including a willingness to embrace new technology. Going digital is easier said than done. There are lots of obstacles, including legacy systems which […]