100% automated underwriting in commercial insurance isn’t possible

Can underwriting be automated in commercial insurance? In commercial insurance, quality underwriting is paramount. Can you standardise and fully automate the process? By Martin Stewart : 16th of November 2020 In commercial insurance, quality underwriting is paramount. McKinsey research shows operating results have more impact on overall financial performance than capital leverage or investment returns. And yet, […]

The value at stake in digitising commercial insurance

The commercial insurance industry is on the cusp of a radical transformation. By Martin Stewart : 16th of November 2020 The commercial insurance industry is on the cusp of a radical transformation. The rise of insurtechs, changing customer expectations and accelerating digital technologies mean that traditional insurers have to adapt if they’re to survive. The […]

Using technology to crack down on commercial insurance fraud

COVID-19 has thrown a range of challenges at commercial insurance companies, from the need to carry on their own operations remotely, to managing an unprecedented number of claims. By Martin Stewart : 16th of November 2020 Among those challenges is the heightened risk of fraud—both the traditional and newer forms such as cyber fraud. Unfortunately, […]

Select the right technology for 2020

How insurance companies can select the right technology for 2020 By Martin Stewart : 2nd of December 2019 How can insurance companies select the right technology for 2020? How can they avoid spending on the wrong software and ensure their solution is one that’s supported for years to come? Before you choose your next technology […]

Building Your Insurance Software Strategy

“Let’s build an app for that” is not the answer! By Martin Stewart : 9th of September 2019 As an insurance company, technology has probably been a function within your organization rather than the driving force behind it. Software decisions are often made in reaction to something rather than as part of a long-term strategy. […]

Insurance Automation Trends

How to take advantage of insurance automation trends How do you move towards automation? By Martin Stewart : 30th of July 2019 By its very nature, the insurance industry has traditionally been cautious and measured. Innovation has occurred incrementally and after considerable thought and analysis. But the landscape is now changing. New entrants are coming […]

Digital Insurance Companies

How digital insurance companies are changing the landscape Five ways digital insurance companies are changing the industry landscape By Martin Stewart : 25th of July 2019 Digital insurance companies are here to stay. No longer merely upstart startups, insurtech companies are permanently changing the landscape and transforming the relationship between insurers and consumers. Their advantage […]

Configuration not Code

Insurance software that makes anyone in the business a potential developer By Martin Stewart : 11th of December 2018 Ever felt like your insurance software is like a gym membership? January 1st, like so many others you start off with the best of intentions, consult an expert who gives you a customised program in the […]

The BRD paradox

How less requirements can lead to a better solution. Why less is better By Martin Stewart : 6th of December 2018 Have you ever been out at dinner with a group of people and had to listen to them order coffee? How they order coffee in Hollywood! The more people you ask, the more variations […]

Digital Strategy

Great UX relies on great technology You can’t win the moon race with technology from the dark ages. By Martin Stewart : 5th of December 2018 Does a digital strategy need new technology to succeed, or is it more a matter of changing the way people and processes work? Well, imagine you’re planning an extreme […]